Separate Yourself From The Competition


Take STARSTIX for a spin!

The STARSTIX Advantage

Everyone goes to the Market 1, 2, even 3 times a week, it is the HUB of the Community. Everyone goes through the checkout lanes to pay for what they purchased. Customers will read your name and message. Be Seen. All day. Every day.


The Beachfront Property in a grocery store is at the Checkout Lane. Your message appears on Every Full Service Lane in your selected stores.

The Best Known is the Most Used

Constant Exposure | Repetition | Pinpoint Targeting
Your ad will be seen.

Lock Out the Competition

Be the exclusive advertiser in your industry with STARSTIX and target your specific geographic region or key demographic to reach your customers.

By The Numbers

15-20 thousand shoppers see and touch STARSTIX in the checkout lane, which means they see and touch YOUR ad EVERY WEEK as they wait in line.


Why People Are Sticking With Us.